

Terra Degen: Playing Both Sides of the Anchor Money Market

Anchor savings has no minimum deposits, account freezes, or signup requirements – it can be used by anyone in the world with access to the internet. Anchor’s money market is a Compound-inspired lending protocol for lending out deposited Terra stablecoins to borrowers. Anchor sources its deposit yields from bAsset-collateralized loans, where rewards of their bAsset…

By: Robin Schmidt Loading...

Anchor savings has no minimum deposits, account freezes, or signup requirements – it can be used by anyone in the world with access to the internet. Anchor’s money market is a Compound-inspired lending protocol for lending out deposited Terra stablecoins to borrowers. Anchor sources its deposit yields from bAsset-collateralized loans, where rewards of their bAsset collaterals are utilized to subsidize the deposit rate.
