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$0.118Price Change 24h: 1.39%

TRON (TRX) Price Chart

TRON (TRX) Price Converter


24-Hour Range

$0.116 $0.118

Market Cap

Market Cap$10.33B


Created on08/28/2017

All Time High

ATH Change-48.90%
ATH Date01/05/2018

TRON (TRX) Price Perfomance

PeriodChange [%]LowHigh
7 days2.08%$0.116$0.116
14 days5.17%$0.112$0.113
1 month-1.64%$0.12$0.121
1 year63.68%$0.07$0.07

TRON (TRX) Explained:

TRX is the native token of the TRON network, built to power a decentralized entertainment ecosystem.

TRON (TRX) is a delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS) blockchain founded in 2017 by Justin Sun. Its mainnet went live in 2018, and the network became fully decentralized by 2021, now led by the Tron Foundation.

TRON is the second largest chain in DeFi with a total value locked (TVL) of $8 billion, surpassed only by Ethereum.

1. What is TRON (TRX)?

TRX is TRON's native token, used for transaction fees, governance, and earning rewards through staking. Tron’s focus is on transforming the entertainment and content industry through decentralization.

2. How does TRON work?

TRON is an open-source blockchain platform built with the goal of decentralizing entertainment. The blockchain’s DPoS consensus mechanism is similar to traditional Proof-of-Stake (PoS) but adds a voting and delegation process to its validation process.

3. Should I buy TRX?

TRX offers users an investment vehicle to bet on a network that focuses on decentralized content and entertainment.

TRON is also one of the leading blockchains for stablecoin transfers.

4. What are the risks of investing in TRX?

TRX is subject to market volatility that is associated with the greater crypto markets. The network is also reliant on attracting more creators that are enthusiastic about decentralizing media in order to continue growing.

5. What are the benefits of TRX?

TRONs vision for decentralized entertainment cuts out middlemen such as YouTube and Amazon, who rake in a majority of the profit raised through content consumption. Decentralized content and entertainment ensures that the creators who are responsible for the design and execution of the content reap the largest rewards.

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