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Tether (USDT) Price Chart

Tether (USDT) Price Converter


24-Hour Range

$0.999 $1

Market Cap

Market Cap$112.88B


Created on01/01/1970

All Time High

ATH Change-24.45%
ATH Date07/24/2018

Tether (USDT) Price Perfomance

PeriodChange [%]LowHigh
7 days-0.02%$0.999$1.001
14 days-0.04%$0.999$1
1 month-0.00%$0.998$1.001
1 year-0.05%$0.993$1.004

1. What is Tether (USDT)?

Tether (USDT) is a stablecoin, a type of cryptocurrency intended to maintain a stable value. It is pegged to the US dollar, meaning that 1 USDT is designed to always be worth $1. Tether is issued by Tether Limited, a company that asserts each USDT is backed by US dollars and other assets in its reserves. Tether is the first stablecoin ever created, and it has the largest market capitalization among all stablecoins. It was launched in 2014 by Brock Pierce, Reeve Collins, and Craig Sellars under a company now known as Tether Limited.

2. How does Tether work?

Tether operates across multiple blockchains, including Ethereum, Tron, and Omni Layer. Users can buy and redeem USDT directly from Tether Limited or trade it on various cryptocurrency exchanges. The peg of USDT is maintained through a one-to-one collateral ratio, with Tether Limited asserting that each USDT in circulation is fully backed by actual fiat currency in their reserves. The company provides transparency by publishing its balance details on its Transparency page. Acting as a third-party custodian, Tether Limited holds the fiat currencies that back USDT.

When users deposit fiat currency into Tether Limited's bank account, the company generates an equivalent amount of USDT and credits it to the user's account, thus circulating the USDT. Users can then use USDT for transfers, exchanges, and storage. To convert USDT back to fiat currency, users deposit their USDT with Tether Limited, which then destroys the USDT and sends the corresponding fiat currency to the user’s bank account.

3. Should I use Tether?

If you’re looking to avoid the volatility typical of many cryptocurrencies, Tether can be a good choice. Its peg to the US dollar provides a stable store of value, making it useful for holding and transacting in a more predictable environment.

4. What are the risks of using Tether?

The loss of the USDT peg could occur if Tether Limited’s reserves are found to be insufficient or if confidence in the company declines. Such a scenario could lead to financial losses for holders. Furthermore, potential regulatory changes could impact the stability and usability of Tether, posing uncertain future risks.

5. What are the benefits of Tether?

Tether is widely utilized in the cryptocurrency ecosystem for several key reasons:

  • Liquidity: Tether is a highly liquid asset, allowing users to quickly and easily trade USDT for other cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies.
  • Fast Transfers: Tether facilitates rapid transfers across different blockchain networks, giving users the flexibility to move assets swiftly and efficiently.

Meanwhile, Tether Limited has faced scrutiny over the transparency of its reserves, as some question whether the reserves truly back every USDT.

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