
Behind the Crypto Curtains: Market Insights from CoinGecko Co-Founder Bobby Ong

Bobby Ong is the Co-Founder of CoinGecko, a cryptocurrency analysis platform that tracks price, volume, market capitalization, community growth, open source code development, major events, and onchain metrics.

By: Jack Dunham Loading...

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Episode Description

Bobby Ong is the Co-Founder of CoinGecko, a cryptocurrency analysis platform that tracks price, volume, market capitalization, community growth, open source code development, major events, and onchain metrics.


0:00 Intro

0:24 Bobby Ong

0:51 CoinGecko

4:40 Regulatory Clarity

5:36 Solana Crossroads

7:40 Solana Adoption Rates

10:32 Solana vs L2

12:07 $3 - $250

13:21 ETH Killer

14:42 Abandoning Solana

16:02 Solana Resurgence

16:55 Bull vs Bear in 2024

18:21 Bitcoin L2s

22:40 Favorite Ecosystem

23:41 Tron

25:08 CoinGecko Updates

27:38 Advice To The Community
