

Your Guide to Arbitrum in 2023

Arbitrum 2023

By: Jack Dunham Loading...

Bitcoin had its best January since 2013 and markets are responding positively to Jerome Powell’s FOMC announcement. The cryptocurrency market cap has grown from $795bn on January 1st to just over $1tn over a month, and both majors and alt coins have seen considerable recoveries in the past two weeks. So what could all of this mean looking forward, and where can we begin looking for DeFi opportunities??

As you’ve likely heard, Layer 2’s have been gaining significant traction lately. So today, as part of our quest to bring you up to date on Layer 2 developments, we’re diving into the biggest L2 player Arbitrum’s DeFi ecosystem.


  1. 1:12 Derivatives
  2. 1:34 DEXs
  3. 2:55 Lending
  4. 3:43 Yield
  5. 4:19 Cross chain
  6. 4:39 Options
  7. 5:08 Yield Aggregators
