
Layer 2 - Recent articles

depiction of a scroll

Scroll TVL Crosses $800 Million After Kicking Off Next Phase of Points Program

‘Session One’ awards liquidity providers on DEXs and lending protocols with Scroll Marks.
explosion with bills and coins bursting out

Blast Layer 2 Unveils Tokenomics Ahead of Airdrop

The Ethereum scaling solution boasts $1.65 billion in TVL but is one of the most controversial products in DeFi.
Solana's 'ZK Compression’ Scaling Solution Ignites Controversy

Solana's 'ZK Compression’ Scaling Solution Ignites Controversy

Ethereans argue that ZK Compression is little more than a Layer 2.
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Bitcoin Layer 2 TVL Soars Above $2 Billion

Bitcoin Layer 2 networks and sidechains are attracting large inflows amid an uptick in activity.
stylized digital tokens falling from the sky

ZkSync Airdrop Allocations Leave DeFi Community Split

The billion-dollar ZK airdrop proves to be controversial as users review distributions and anti-sybil measures.
Optimism Celebrates Stage 1 Decentralization With Permissionless Fault Proofs

Optimism Celebrates Stage 1 Decentralization With Permissionless Fault Proofs

Users can now permissionlessly execute withdrawals from OP Mainnet to Layer 1 Ethereum.
chart hitting an all-time high

Base Ecosystem TVL Hits All-time High

Activity on Ethereum Layer 2 network Base is surging ahead of Coinbase’s smart wallet release.
a halted blockchain

Linea Halts Network after Velocore Exploit

Decentralized exchange Velocore was hacked for $7M over the weekend.
domain names connected to Ethereum symbols

ENS Rallies on Layer 2 Migration Plan

The Ethereum Name Service protocol has unveiled its V2 iteration that will offer increased flexibility for .eth domain owners.
Ethereum symbols broken into pieces and arranged in a fragmented pattern

Rising Ethereum Layer 2 Usage Raises Fragmentation Concerns

Activity and total value locked (TVL) on Ethereum Layer 2s have grown rapidly in 2024, but some analysts remain cautious of liquidity fragmentation.