
Layer 2 - Page 3

Reya’s Liquidity Generation Event Attracts $100 Million In Less Than 24 Hours

Reya’s Liquidity Generation Event Attracts $100 Million In Less Than 24 Hours

Reya facilitates shared liquidity among native decentralized exchanges.
abstract symbols like Ethereum logos and network nodes, with upward-shooting lines and arrows, all glowing against a dark background

Ethereum Ecosystem Activity Soars to All-time High

Weekly active wallets have surpassed 10 million, driven by Base and Polygon.
Metis Introduces Decentralized Sequencer Mining With Phase 2 Rollout

Metis Introduces Decentralized Sequencer Mining With Phase 2 Rollout

Phase 2 of Metis’ decentralized sequencer rollout introduces rewards for node stakers and operators
Worldcoin To Launch Optimism-powered Layer 2 Network

Worldcoin To Launch Optimism-powered Layer 2 Network

World Chain will leverage the OP stack and offer special perks to verified Worldcoin users.
Layer N Launches Testnet, Aims To Host Unified Ecosystem Of Appchains

Layer N Launches Testnet, Aims To Host Unified Ecosystem Of Appchains

Layer N said it hosted sustained throughput of 20,000 TPS during closed testnet trials.
image visualizing Bitcoin liquid staking

Liquid Staking Lands On Bitcoin As Layer 2 Race Heats Up

Nomic DAO unveils liquid staking for BTC while Thesis announces the Bitcoin “Economic Layer.”
Frax Stakers On Track To Earn $20.8M Annually After Fee Switch Activation

Frax Stakers On Track To Earn $20.8M Annually After Fee Switch Activation

Frax will distribute nearly $400,000 to veFXS stakers this week.
Game Theory, Market Cycles, Investment Mentality, Mantle Network with Jordi Alexander

Game Theory, Market Cycles, Investment Mentality, Mantle Network with Jordi Alexander

Jordi Alexander is the founder of Selini Capital, a trading and venture investing firm focused on digital assets. He's also focused on the Mantle Network, a modular Layer 2 EVM-compatible blockchain that uses optimistic rollups. But before venturing into crypto Jordi was a professional poker player and an expert in game theory.
Astar Launches zkEVM Mainnet Boasting Ethereum Interoperability Via Polygon AggLayer

Astar Launches zkEVM Mainnet Boasting Ethereum Interoperability Via Polygon AggLayer

Astar zkEVM is the second chain supporting AggLayer after Polygon zkEVM.
Arbitrum Nova Dominates L2 Throughput Amid DePIN and GameFi Surge

Arbitrum Nova Dominates L2 Throughput Amid DePIN and GameFi Surge

Nova’s daily throughput has surpassed 44 TP for 10 consecutive days.