
Coinbase - Recent articles

chart hitting an all-time high

Base Ecosystem TVL Hits All-time High

Activity on Ethereum Layer 2 network Base is surging ahead of Coinbase’s smart wallet release.
XRP logo glowing in neon blue

Coinbase Relists Ripple’s XRP Token in New York

The top U.S. crypto exchange had previously suspended XRP trading in 2021.
Coinbase Rolls Out Bitcoin’s Lightning Network

Coinbase Rolls Out Bitcoin’s Lightning Network

The integration comes thanks to a partnership with Lightspark.
 highly simplified depiction of a broken link icon, symbolizing a malfunctioning website, highlighted in neon colors against a dark background.

Crypto Rally Breaks Websites And Apps Including Coinbase

Users are reporting outages on Coinbase, Coingecko, and Robinhood, among others.
Crypto Advocates See Coinbase’s SEC Hearing as a “Step Forward”

Crypto Advocates See Coinbase’s SEC Hearing as a “Step Forward”

The outcome of the landmark case will have broad implications for the crypto industry.
Coinbase Becomes Latest DLT Firm Embracing UAE With CeFi Smart Contract Platform

Coinbase Becomes Latest DLT Firm Embracing UAE With CeFi Smart Contract Platform

Coinbase joins the increasing number of digital assets firms establishing operations in the United Arab Emirates
A phone showing Fren Pet game.

Tomagotchi-Like Fren Pet is Crushing it on Coinbase's Base Network

Fren Pet gaining steam might be further proof that non-financial use cases can flourish in crypto.
Coinbase and Aave Form Coalition to Promote Tokenized Assets

Coinbase and Aave Form Coalition to Promote Tokenized Assets

Members Include Circle, Centrifuge and Goldfinch
Uniswap Spot Volume Surpassed Coinbase In 2023

Uniswap Spot Volume Surpassed Coinbase In 2023

Leading Decentralized Exchange Processed $110B Of Trades In Q2
Coinbase Wins Approval To Offer Crypto Futures To US Clients

Coinbase Wins Approval To Offer Crypto Futures To US Clients

Bitcoin and Ether Futures Will Be Supported At Launch