
DEX - Page 11

MistX – The World’s FIRST Flashbot Powered DEX

MistX – The World’s FIRST Flashbot Powered DEX

MistX is the first time in Ethereum history that FlashBots is available to regular users for front-running protection and “no success, no fee” transactions.
"V3 is Winding Back a Bit of the Uniswap Revolution; It's Going to be Very Influential:" Dan Robinson

"V3 is Winding Back a Bit of the Uniswap Revolution; It's Going to be Very Influential:" Dan Robinson

In this week’s episode we speak with Dan Robinson, a research partner at Paradigm, one of the most active VC funds in DeFi and crypto. One of the fund’s investments is Unsiwap, where Dan also had a central role in the design of v3, the latest version of DeFi’s most popular decentralized exchange. Dan talks about why…
Synthetic Exchange Declares Independence with Own Token

Synthetic Exchange Declares Independence with Own Token

Kwenta, an exchange interface for Synthetix’s derivatives, has declared itself an “independent project operating outside of the Synthetix core contributors,” according to an announcement post. The project will also issue a token, KWENTA, that will be used to participate in governance and to “bootstrap the community and fuel an early development team.” It’s a sign…
Not All DEXs are Created Equal: Here's the Math

Not All DEXs are Created Equal: Here's the Math

Upshot: Uniswap and PancakeSwap have become household names in decentralized exchanges but a new crop of platforms are coming online with the promise of lower fees and more pricing transparency. With gas prices making headlines throughout the first half of 2021, it’s worth taking a deeper dive into what your options are when trading across…
Holaswap Enters Murky Waters After Challenging Uniswap License

Holaswap Enters Murky Waters After Challenging Uniswap License

DeFi’s most well-known proprietary license is getting put to the test. A new project, Holaswap, has forked Uniswap’s V3, despite a license theoretically protecting decentralized exchange’s code from use in production settings. It’s the first major test of Uniswap’s license.  The team deployed it to protect their code and encourage the Uniswap community “to be…
Curve Picks up Mojo as Battle Breaks Out for its Red Hot Token

Curve Picks up Mojo as Battle Breaks Out for its Red Hot Token

Curve Finance is on a roll. Both Yearn Finance and Convex Finance are making Curve Finance’s CRV token a key part of the foundation in their revenue models. Users who lock in CRV receive governance rights, trading fees from the automated market maker, and boosted rewards. Curve War The development is no small thing for…
DeFi Protocols Show Resilience in Stress Test

DeFi Protocols Show Resilience in Stress Test

In a selloff which saw Ethereum’s ETH and the DeFi Pulse Index basket of DeFi tokens dropping over 20% in an hour and more than 40% overall yesterday, DeFi protocols never stopped running and generally behaved as designed. As DeFi grows to hold $100B in assets with millions of users, yesterday was a test on…
"We Said Let's Start With Uniswap and See What We Can Unbundle:" Pranay Mohan of Hashflow

"We Said Let's Start With Uniswap and See What We Can Unbundle:" Pranay Mohan of Hashflow

In this week’s episode, we talk with Varun Kumar and Pranay Mohan from Hashflow, a new decentralized exchange that wants to unbundle Uniswap. What this means is, they want to keep the non-custodial side and the liquidity pools, but instead of finding prices with smart contacts and a formula, they use market makers applying their highly specialized strategies and algorithms…
Balancer V2 is Now Live Along With $2M Bug Bounty

Balancer V2 is Now Live Along With $2M Bug Bounty

Balancer Protocol’s updated smart contracts, which allow for users to further customize token pools, are now public and open source. The project is offering a 1k ETH bug bounty to spot vulnerabilities in the code. Balancer’s new architecture is based on a single vault that holds and manages tokens, giving Balancer V2 flexibility to support…
"It's Not About Fighting for People Already in DeFi, But About Bringing More People In:" SushiSwap's 0xMaki

"It's Not About Fighting for People Already in DeFi, But About Bringing More People In:" SushiSwap's 0xMaki

In this week's episode we interview 0xMaki, an anonymous DeFi developer contributing to SushiSwap and Yearn Finance protocols. We talk about growing Sushi beyond its drama-filled beginnings as a fork of Uniswap, into a DEX that can hold its own as the second-most active trading platform in Ethereum DeFi. He goes into the main pieces…