
EigenLayer - Recent articles

EigenLayer Launches Claims For Second Phase Of Season 1 Airdrop

EigenLayer Launches Claims For Second Phase Of Season 1 Airdrop

EigenLayer added that it will soon announce airdrop allocations for its second points season.
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Modular Liquidity Protocol Mitosis Kicks Off Next Phase of Airdrop Campaign

The Ethereum restaking sector continues to grow, with EigenLayer’s TVL hitting an all-time high of 5.42 million ETH on June 17.
Mellow Finance to Help Lido Hold On to its Place as Largest DeFi Protocol

Mellow Finance to Help Lido Hold On to its Place as Largest DeFi Protocol

The liquid restaking protocol could help boost Lido's stETH market cap.
two opposing figures pulling at an Ethereum logo

Community Erupts as Key Players From Ethereum Foundation Become Advisors to Eigenlayer

Ethereum Foundation researchers Dankrad Feist and Justin Drake are catching flak for their multimillion-dollar deals with the restaking protocol. Some defend them, however.
cartoon-like blue coins with whimsical faces peeking over a brightly colored wall

EigenLayer Airdrop Claims Go Live

The EIGEN token is not yet transferable but can be staked and delegated to EigenDA node operators.
abstract geometric and layered network structures

EigenLayer Increases Minimum Airdrop Allocation

More than 280,000 users of the restaking protocol will receive an additional 100 EIGEN tokens.
EigenLayer Withdrawals Accelerate After Airdrop Backlash

EigenLayer Withdrawals Accelerate After Airdrop Backlash

Nearly 14,000 wallets have triggered withdrawals from the Ethereum restaking protocol since April 29.
EIGEN Airdrop Elicits Pushback From EigenLayer Community

EIGEN Airdrop Elicits Pushback From EigenLayer Community

Critics decry the airdrop's linear allocation, initial lack of transferability, and geoblocked claims platform.
EigenLayer to Drop Token on May 10

EigenLayer to Drop Token on May 10

The highly anticipated Ethereum restaking protocol has launched a claim portal for airdrop recipients, who were allocated 5% of the EIGEN supply in Season 1.