
Stablecoins - Page 15

The State of Stablecoins in DeFi: A Deep Dive by DappRadar

The State of Stablecoins in DeFi: A Deep Dive by DappRadar

Stablecoins are one of the fastest-growing asset types in the crypto world. The purpose of these cryptocurrencies is to track a particular peg (usually the dollar) minimizing volatility and providing a convenient unit for transacting. They have become the lifeblood of the DeFi ecosystem and may look to take over other sectors like remittance and…
Pickle Finance Sounds Like a Joke But it Wants to Bring Stability to DeFi

Pickle Finance Sounds Like a Joke But it Wants to Bring Stability to DeFi

Just when farmers thought food coins had run their course, perhaps the most absurd project yet is leveraging pickle memes to help mitigate stablecoin volatility. Pickle Finance, a project incentivizing liquidity on the four largest DeFi stablecoins, saw $53M in 24 hour volume this weekend as its native governance token, PICKLE, traded as high as…