
Staking - Page 10

SharedStake Down 95% After Insider Exploit

SharedStake Down 95% After Insider Exploit

SharedStake, a decentralized ETH2.0 Staking-as-a-Service protocol, is in disarray after a suspected inside job.  In a series of transactions on June 19 and June 23, a ‘rogue developer’ withdrew $500K worth of SGT, the project’s governance token, from the team’s allocation. These tokens were locked in a vesting contract and were meant to be unlocked…
Synthetix Introduces Layer 2 Staking on Optimism

Synthetix Introduces Layer 2 Staking on Optimism

Things are hopefully about to speed up and get cheaper in Ethereum land, as Synthetix, the synthetic asset issuance protocol, deployed its staking code from Ethereum to Optimism, a Layer 2 scaling solution on Jan. 15.  Now, users can migrate their Synthetix Network Tokens (SNX), used to mint the protocol’s synthetic assets, to Optimistic Ethereum’s…