
Zapper - Recent articles

lightning bolts interconnected in a network pattern

ZapperFi to Build ‘Road to Onchain Literacy’ with Zapper Protocol

Powered by a forthcoming ZAP token, the new protocol aims to incentivize better interpretation and contextualization of onchain information.
Zapper Is Now the Frontpage of Web3. About Time…

Zapper Is Now the Frontpage of Web3. About Time…

Introducing Zapper V2: Accessing Reliable Information to Explore the Real web3. To make it simple for people to interpret all of this complex information, to speed up learning, and to make people feel more confident making choices in web3, Zapper V2 surfaces all blockchain data and translates it into relatable information that anyone can read…
Zapper Zaps Its Own Vulnerability Before Hackers Do

Zapper Zaps Its Own Vulnerability Before Hackers Do

Twenty days after upgrading its “Polygon Bridge” smart contract, Zapper found a vulnerability in its own deprecated version.  According to a tweet, the Zapper project “exploited the vulnerability ourselves and all of the funds have been rescued.” The problem would have affected those with an infinite approval for the bridge contract. Infinite approval is part…
A DeFi Introduction: Getting Started in DeFi

A DeFi Introduction: Getting Started in DeFi

In this guide we’ll be helping you take your first steps into the boundless world of Decentralized Finance, better known as DeFi. DeFi is a growing movement which has the potential to democratize access to  financial services.  This emerging ecosystem is being built on global, public and distributed networks such as Ethereum, and uses smart…