
Borrowing & Lending - Page 6

Why Compound Might Ditch its Yield Farmers

Why Compound Might Ditch its Yield Farmers

A new proposal seeks to drastically overhaul $COMP incentives.
New Entrants Follow Compound’s Lead to Offer Fiat Savers Juicier Yields

New Entrants Follow Compound’s Lead to Offer Fiat Savers Juicier Yields

A new wave of DeFi players are trying to entice traditional savers with juicy yields.
Aave’s New Platform Attracts 30 Institutional Players in Big Push for Growth

Aave’s New Platform Attracts 30 Institutional Players in Big Push for Growth

Aave Arc attracted 30 financial institutions to its whitelist.
Compound DAO Uses Public Bidding Process To Hire Security Auditor

Compound DAO Uses Public Bidding Process To Hire Security Auditor

CompoundDAO used an open competition to select a security auditor in what may be a template for the industry.
Aave Latest DeFi Protocol to Delay Open Source and Lock Down V3 Code

Aave Latest DeFi Protocol to Delay Open Source and Lock Down V3 Code

Aave has followed Uniswap in delaying open source access to the code for its Version 3 upgrade in what's developing as a new trend in DeFi.
NFT-backed Lending Market Surges with $1M-Plus Loans and 20% Interest Rates

NFT-backed Lending Market Surges with $1M-Plus Loans and 20% Interest Rates

The NFT-secured lending market is exploding with loans exceeding $1M on 30-day terms.
What Is Leveraged Yield Farming and How Can It Bring Higher Returns?

What Is Leveraged Yield Farming and How Can It Bring Higher Returns?

In DeFi, while it’s not necessarily true that bigger is always better, the beauty of a high APY never fails to turn heads. And regardless of how much higher DeFi yields are compared to traditional finance, there’s no shortage of DeFi users eager to maximize their profits, chasing higher yields from platform to platform and…
Will Booming NFT Market Spur New DeFi Lending Wave?

Will Booming NFT Market Spur New DeFi Lending Wave?

The whole world is struggling to wrap its head around non-fungible tokens (NFTs), including DeFi. But DeFi is trying. “Over the last two weeks NFT sales have exploded to levels well beyond the NFT boom seen in March,” says a new report by CoinMetrics. Obviously, that’s driven in part by genuine interest but also by…
Aave Hints at New Institutional Product

Aave Hints at New Institutional Product

Aave is hinting at a new product for allowing institutions to practice DeFi. On Monday, Aave founder Stani Kulechov tweeted the words “Aave Pro for institutions” alongside a cryptic screenshot. According to Aave full-stack blockchain developer Emilio Frangella, the screenshot depicts the “technical implementation of an experimental version of the Aave protocol for institutions.” He…
Defiant Degens: How to Master Tranche Lending and Farm Yield on BarnBridge

Defiant Degens: How to Master Tranche Lending and Farm Yield on BarnBridge

We will be hosting a weekly tutorial on the most compelling opportunities to consider yield farming, written by our friend DeFi Dad, an advisor to the Defiant and the Chief DeFi Officer of Zapper. The goal is to expose more Defiant readers to new DeFi applications and their associated liquidity mining programs. Background on Protocol:…