
Borrowing & Lending - Page 7

Engineer Becomes His Own Lender in First DeFi Mortgage

Engineer Becomes His Own Lender in First DeFi Mortgage

The first ever DeFi mortgage may have just gone through.  An engineering lead at a top DeFi protocol, who asked to remain anonymous to keep his personal finances private, on Jan. 22 paid off his mortgage loan with Commonwealth Bank of Australia, and now is paying down his refinanced home loan through DeFi protocol Notional…
MakerDAO Proposal Seeks to Boost DeFi Fixed-Rate Loans

MakerDAO Proposal Seeks to Boost DeFi Fixed-Rate Loans

Fixed rate lending has been slow to take off in DeFi. That’s what one of the latest MakerDAO proposals is seeking to change.  Maker Improvement Proposal 43 would enable MakerDAO to buy fixed-rate loans. The goal is that having DeFi’s largest protocol buying tokenized loans issued by other protocols, at more favorable terms, will boost…
Notional Comes out of Stealth With Fixed Lending Protocol

Notional Comes out of Stealth With Fixed Lending Protocol

Notional Finance has come out of stealth with $3M in liquidity following a closed beta over the past quarter. Notional users can lend and borrow the stablecoins DAI and USDC at fixed rates using ETH or WBTC as collateral. A 10k USDC loan has a fixed APR of 4.27%, while a 10k USDC deposit has…
Aave Aims for a Seamless DeFi  With Flash Loan-Driven V2

Aave Aims for a Seamless DeFi With Flash Loan-Driven V2

Aave’s Aims for a Seamless DeFi With Flash Loan-Driven V2 Aave, the third-largest DeFi lending protocol by assets, today unveiled its V2 revamp, where it leverages flash loans to make DeFi more seamless and composable. Aave’s V2 includes several enhancements of its lending products, many of which are powered by flash loans. Flash loans don’t…